


FRIDAY, JULY 11 Ohr Shalom Zamru at the Bay


FRIDAY, JULY 18 Temple Solel Shabbat at Beach




Peres: Peace with Palestinians not possible
By Ira Sharkansky
JERUSALEM—There are signs of a political earthquake in Israel.
They have nothing to do with charges of corruption against the prime minister, or the maneuvering of aspirants to seek advantage in the expected collapse of Olmert's government, or the election that will follow it.
The shock appears in comments of the national peacemaker, President Shimon Peres. He said that there is no chance of peace with the Palestinians.
He explained himself by reference to the split between Hamas and Fatah, and the lack of legitimacy of the nominal president of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, who is the primary "partner" in current negotiations with Israel. According to a newspaper account, at a meeting that included ambassadors from France and Jordan, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Peres said:
"Abbas (has) no support among his people, no power to carry out security agreements . . . any agreement Israel and the Palestine Authority (make would) crumble a day later due to the Palestine Authority's weakness. Therefore there is no chance of agreement."
Peres has been at the pinnacle of Israelis urging peace with the Palestinians. His mantra has been the New Middle East, with Israel providing investment capital and economic know-how, along with other well-to-do Arab states. He has worked to create Israeli-Palestinian industrial zones, as well as Israeli-Egyptian and Israeli-Jordan joint ventures. He has promoted one or another proposal for peace with Syria and Lebanon. Peres was among the principal promoters of the Oslo Accord with the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1993, for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize along with Yitzhak Rabin and Yassir Arafat.
His preoccupation with peace, sometimes at what seemed like "peace at any price," was among the issues that led a majority of the Knesset to choose Moshe Katsav as president in 2000. Katsav received 63 votes in that election to Peres' 57. Peres was a candidate again in 2007. He still provoked suspicion that he would use the presidency to further his obsession with peace. Others thought he was too old to be harmful, and that he had earned the largely ceremonial office after a long career in government. He received less than a majority of Knesset votes, but led with 58 against 37 and 21 votes for two other candidates.
What is the significance of Peres' latest statement?
It suggests that not many people beside George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice, and perhaps Ehud Olmert are talking about a break through that will create a Palestinian State, or perhaps a bit less than that before the end of the Bush term.
The split between Hamas-controlled Gaza and the weak-to-non-existent authority of Abbas' regime in the West Bank should make anyone wonder about the prospects of an agreement. Hamas is explicit in rejecting Israel's legitimacy. Its patron, Iran, has called repeatedly for Israel's destruction. Currently there is a shaky cease fire between Gaza and Israel. Hamas has violated its part of the agreement by not stopping the occasional missile fired into Israel. In response, Israel has not honored its commitment to keep the gates of Gaza open for the shipment of fuel, food, and other supplies. Hamas, in turn, has suspended conversations about the release of the Israeli soldier being held in Gaza.
How long the cease fire will last is anybody's guess.
Hamas and the Fatah Party of Abbas have been pushed by other Arab politicians into negotiations about solving their problems and re-creating a united Palestine. The demands of each are far enough apart to convince an outsider that on-again, off-again meetings are not likely to produce anything.
Hamas won the last parliamentary election held in all of Palestine. The prevailing opinion is that its victory was due to the widespread feeling among Palestinians that Abbas and other leaders of the Fatah Party are old, corrupt, incompetent, and not concerned with developing Palestine for anyone other than themselves. This explains Peres' statement that Abbas lacks the legitimacy necessary to make an agreement with Israel.
Without power, Abbas cannot make concessions. He is not in a position to convince the Palestinians that they should give up any of their iconic demands for the sake of creating a Palestinian state. He keeps talking about the borders of 1967 and the return of refugees. This is the easy road of repeating slogans about Palestinian rights. It is a road to nowhere, but Abbas does not have the gas to take any other road.
Peres' comment about no chance for peace with the Palestinians was headlined on the front page of Ha'aretz on Friday, July 4th. By the Sunday edition there may be a clarification. Whatever he may say in the future, the ink is set on what he said. It indicates the work that has to be done to rescue whatever small prospects for peace may exist. Without Peres to carry a major part of that burden, the task is all the more difficult.
His comments may not be an earthquake, after all. They may, in contrast, indicate a bit of stability returning after his many efforts to create an earthquake by trumpeting the need for accommodations with Palestinians not ready for peace.
Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science at Hebrew University. He may be contacted at msira@mscc.huji.ac.il



The joy and enthusiasm of new Jews
By Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal
SAN DIEGO—Recently, I told our Minyanaires that I would not be joining them on the following Sunday because I was spending the day in Salt Lake City, Utah. One of them asked me: "What's in Salt Lake City?"
"Mormons!" I replied.
It was not a complete answer. In addition to Mormons, Salt Lake City has several other religious denominations, including a strong community of Jews. I was flying to Salt Lake City to help create more of them. (I am, of course, using the word "create" in the Abrahamic sense: Abraham was famed for reaching out to non-Jews and welcoming them under the "wings of the Shechina.")
Rabbi Tracee Rosen of Congregation Kol Ami teaches a very successful and popular "Intro to Judaism" class in her community. Since she is the only Conservative Rabbi in Salt Lake City, the Pacific Southwest Region of the Rabbinical Assembly volunteered to pay the travel expenses of two other Conservative Rabbis who were willing to join her on a Beit Din for conversions. I and Rabbi Rachel Miller of San Francisco eagerly volunteered.
While I have sat on innumerable Batei Din for conversions, most of time it has been with candidates that I have known and taught. This time I had no personal knowledge of the candidates, save for the essays they wrote in advance. Rabbi Rosen had six adults and four children meet with us that day. Over and over again I found myself moved by the stories of their journeys, their knowledge, their ritual observance, and how they have embraced Judaism in their lives.
As most of you know I am not an outwardly emotional person and yet there were several times I felt myself close to tears of joy as I marveled at our good fortune to gain these good, noble, and loving people into Klal Yisrael. As I said to many of them, I wish that more born Jews embraced Judaism with the same enthusiasm, love, devotion, and knowledge. All of the candidates were unique, but I was especially moved by the conversions of a man who many years ago had immigrated to the U.S. from Nigeria and served as a member of the U.S. Coast Guard in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and a young girl who struggles with cerebral palsy.
I also marveled at the vibrant Jewish life that is found in Salt Lake City, Utah, Congregation Kol Ami's expansive and beautiful synagogue building, and the high percentage of affiliation, participation, and volunteerism that the congregation enjoys.
An added bonus was being able to use the congregation's mikve which was built several years ago. I also marveled that the relatively small community of Salt Lake City has been able to build its own non-Orthodox mikve, while San Diego has not. (Fortunately, this will soon be rectified. A dynamic group of volunteers and community leaders recently founded a committee to build an open community Mikve and Educational Center in San Diego in the near future.)
One of the Torah's recurring themes is the constant kvetching of the Israelites in the desert after they left Egypt. They never counted their blessings and had little faith in God. In parashat Chukat they are at it again, complaining to Moses about their plight: "If only we had perished when our brothers perished at the instance of the Lord! Why have you brought the Lord's congregation into this wilderness for us and our beasts to die here?...There is not even water to drink!" (Num. 20:3-5)
These new Jews by Choice stood in sharp contrast to the Israelites who left Egypt. Their faith in God was present and palpable, and their enthusiasm overflowed. Their joy, as they were welcomed as members of the Covenant, was contagious. They inspired me to count my blessings, among them the privilege of sharing such a happy day with them and my colleagues. I returned to San Diego confident that all of these "newly minted Jews" will become great blessings to all Israel.


The Chofetz Chaim and the Russian soldier
By Rabbi Baruch Lederman
SAN DIEGO—"Listen now, O Rebels..." (Num 20:10) Moshe was punished for referring to the Children of Israel as Rebels. Even though they were rebelling at the time, they should not have
been perceived as rebels. The Torah expects us to love each other, see the good in each other and perceive each other as good. We must see and understand things from the other person's point of view as the following true story illustrates:
Once, a burly, gruff looking, man who had served in the Russian army, entered a Jewish Inn and ordered a meal. When Jewish boys were drafted, it was usually the end of yiddishkeit for them. The army brainwashed them to worship Mother Russia rather than G-d. He plopped himself down and ate in a most disgusting manner - stuffing an entire chicken down his mouth. It was revolting that this man, a Jew, could conduct himself in so repulsive a manner, not to mention the fact that he did not recite a bracha (blessing) or wear a yarmulke (ritual skullcap) while he ate. The innkeeper and the others present were sickened and embarrassed by this display; though none dared say anything.
The Chofetz Chaim (Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan) happened to be a guest at that Inn. He saw the young man and slowly approached him. Everyone wondered, what would the Chofetz Chaim possibly say to this man. What could he say? Surely this oaf would not listen to any rebuke, even from such a holy man.
The Choftez Chaim asked the man, "Is it true that you served in the Russian army?"
"Yes," snorted the man, bracing his defenses for the oncoming tongue-lashing he was fully expecting.
"Tell me," began the Chofetz Chaim, "How did you manage to keep your Jewish identity in those circumstances? So many Jewish boys entered the army, only to eventually give up their Judaism. They are forced to serve for 25 years without any kosher food, Jewish holidays, or any other vestige of Judaism. Yet, when you could have easily gone to any Inn, you chose a Jewish one. You still identify as a Jew. I don't know if I could have done what you did. You are an inspiration. Where did you find the strength?"
The soldier, caught off guard and clearly moved, looked straight at the Chofetz Chaim, "It was so hard, they did everything to pound it out of us - to make us denounce and forget that we were Jews."
"It is a miracle that you made it through. Now you can begin to learn the Torah and mitzvos that you were deprived of all these years."
"But Rebbi, how can I possibly do that," the soldier, now sobbing bitterly, responded. He continued through his tears, "I want to return to my heritage, but I am so far removed. Surely it isn't possible for someone like me to learn."
"No," said the Chofetz Chaim, "It is still possible. It is always possible. I can show you how."
As the soldier spoke to the Chofetz Chaim, the stones on his heart began to melt. Had the Chofetz Chaim not understood and appreciated this man's perspective, this amazing episode never would have occurred. What did happen was from that day on, the former soldier began a path to repentance and as the years went by, developed into an observant, well-learned Jew.
Dedicated by Rabbi & Mrs. Yerachmiel Gettinger in honor of their wonderful children.
Dedicated by Cliff Alsberg in honor of his wife Laurie, and children Adam and Naomi whose 9th and 10th birthdays are right around the corner.



July 4th baseball: Thunder in skies, also in the stands at Storm game in Lake Elsinore
By Donald H. Harrison
LAKE ELSINORE, California—Under the ownership of two Jewish guys from San Diego (Gary Jacobs and Len Simon), the Lake Elsinore Storm, the “Advanced A” Minor League affiliate of the San Diego Padres, puts on quite a show. I am going to try to recite all the "firsts" that our grandson Shor , 7, experienced while attending his very first ballgame, one in which the Storm defeated the Bakersfield Blaze 3-1 this past Independence Day.
I say “try” advisedly because there was so much going on at The Diamond, located in this Riverside County city approximately 70 miles north of San Diego. While I was looking in one direction, Shor, three seats away with his grandmother Nancy and great-grandfather Sam sitting between us, may have been seeing some other things at the same time.
It was the first time Shor saw the mascot “Thunder,” the 6’4 green, friendly monster of a dog who entertains between halves of innings and occasionally during play as well. Initially Shor was a little reserved about meeting this entertaining mime in a costume, but after watching Thunder’s on-field and in-stands antics for a while, he was among the children who raced from his seat up to the promenade to meet the mascot in person.
Thunder does some vaudeville shtick. For example, he teases a personage said to be the first base coach of the opposing team. Eventually, they begin to “argue” and Thunder hurls the contents of a water bucket at him. But the coach ducks and who gets wet? The umpire! And who does the umpire blame? The coach. Thunder meanwhile pretends to be just an innocent bystander. Of course the kids love it.
Thunder also leads cheers for the Storm from the tops of both dugouts, and in one inter-inning appearance “races” against a child chosen from the crowd. He starts from second base, while the child starts from first base, to see who can get to the next base faster. In this case, the little girl poured on the speed while Thunder lolly-gagged and strutted around the bases. The girl not only passed Thunder after having started from 90 feet behind him, she decided to make a second circuit and almost passed him twice!
Thunder has been with the minor league franchise since the opening day of the 2001 season, when the club became affiliated with the San Diego Padres. (From 1994 to 2000, it was part of the California Angels farm system). Over the years, Thunder has built up quite a fan base. Players in Single-A League baseball usually don’t stay around more than a season or two, as they move up to an AA farm club, then an AAA team, and if they are very good (and lucky) onto the Major Leagues.
Some well-known Padres who are Storm alumni are Cy Young-award winning pitcher Jake Peavy, who played in Lake Elsinore in 2001, and infielder Khalil Greene, who played here the following year. Of Jewish interest, a Storm alumni from the Angels years was Scott Schoeneweis, now a relief pitcher for the New York Mets.

Although Thunder is good enough to solo, he is just one of a fairly large cast of performers who keep fans at the Diamond entertained. There’s a 6-foot rabbit named (nope, not “Harvey”) “Jackpot,” who shows up on the field now and again, and is definitely not just a figment of the imagination. Even the groundskeepers, who smooth out the base paths, have their own mascot—some fellow in a gorilla suit.
It being the Fourth of July, Shor scored another “first” in hearing the Parish Family singing “The Star Spangled Banner” in four-part harmony while Thunder and hatless ballplayers faced the flag in center field of the stadium, which was adorned throughout with patriotic red, white and blue bunting.
As part of the ceremonies, two jets from nearby March Air Force Base did a flyover—another first for Shor. From the stands, other members of the Storm entertainment crew tossed Frisbees to the crowd, one sailing to a woman sitting near Shor. She kindly presented it to him, so barely into the first inning and Shor already had bagged a prize—another first.
Some other Shor firsts, which seasoned fans might take for granted, but which all make a 7-year-old boy’s eyes get wider and wider: a strike out; a walk; a ground out; a fly ball; fans booing the opposing pitcher for spending too much time trying to pick off a runner; a single; a double; a run-batted-in; a foul ball into the stands; a vendor wearing an ‘Uncle Sam’ hat; “the crowd doing a ‘Let’s Go’ clap; a ‘Charge!’ horn; a double play; and a player caught in a run down between third base and home.
Some others: a loud cheer for a soldier attending the game—he had just returned from service in Iraq; great fielding at second base by a Bakersfield player who dove to his left to stop the ball; a young couple hugging and kissing on their date night in the row in front of us (“eeew,” said Shor); a beach ball being bounced from fan to fan in the stands; a beach ball being taken away by a security/ safety guard; a designated hitter getting a hit with a surprise bunt; a 7th inning stretch, and an on-field tug-of-war between two entertainers tied together who had to try to pull each other some yards to drop tennis balls into their respective buckets.
There was also some favorite foods to be purchased on the Promenade, including Hebrew National kosher hot dogs, driving home the message to Shor that one can be both Jewish and American on this most special of American days.
When the game ended, the fun kept going. Hoping to win various prizes, fans tried to throw numbered tennis balls into hoops placed at strategic locations on the field; or into a golden toilet seat at home plate. As if all this were not enough, there was a thundering Fourth of July fireworks show, which we were all able to watch comfortably from our seats—although Shor stood the entire time with his mouth and eyes wide open in amazement. He seemed awe-struck by the finale.

Of course, one can see similar sights at a Major League baseball game played by the Padres at Petco Park, and some day, we expect to take Shor there too. But just as players need to build up to the Big Leagues from the Minor Leagues, young fans can also benefit from such a progression. The 6,066-seat Diamond Stadium is smaller and therefore fans are closer to the action, and there’s greater emphasis on entertainment for children. If children get bored—which Shor didn’t—there’s a full scale "Fun Zone' play park, including a jump house—behind first base, where they can be safely diverted.

On the way out of the Stadium, Shor posed with a wire sculpture of a batter. He cocked his arms back with an imaginary bat and possibly envisioned himself hitting a home run--one of the few "firsts" he hadn't experienced at this game. We were barely out of the parking lot and heading south on the Interstate 15 when Shor fell asleep with numerous memories on which to dream. He slept soundly all the way back to San Diego.
*The principal Jewish owner from San Diego is Gary Jacobs, whom the team’s website describes as a former umpire, but who is known in San Diego’s Jewish community both as a scion of the Qualcomm fortune built by his father, Irwin Jacobs, and as a force in his own right. Gary Jacobs served as president of the Lawrence Family JCC, Jacobs Family campus, and as president of the United Jewish Federation of San Diego. Along with his wife Jerri-Ann, he is the founder and motivating force behind the Jacobs International Teen Leadership Institute (JITLI) which sends Jewish and Arab high schoolers together on a tour of San Diego, Spain and Israel.
The “co-owner” is class action litigator Len Simon, who also teaches part-time at the University of San Diego Law School and, like Jacobs, is a member of the board of directors of the San Diego Padres.


A bissel sports trivia with Bruce Lowitt
Q: Who was Major League Baseball’s first designated hitter?
Background: He was the first overall pick in the 1967 draft, by the New York Yankees and, on April 6, 1973, at Fenway Park in Boston, he became baseball’s first DH, drawing a bases-loaded walk from Luis Tiant. Late that season he was batting over .400 before fading to finish at .329. He once said, “I’ve been a DH all my life: Designated Hebrew.”
A) Michael Bloomberg; B) Ron Blomberg; C) Mike Epstein D) Art Shamsky
He may be contacted at lowittb@sandiegojewishworld.com



Robinson-Rose House

Old Temple Beth Israel |

Lawrence Family JCC |
Editor's Note: We are reprinting news articles that appeared in back issues of various San Diego Jewish newspapers. You may access an index of the headlines of those articles by clicking here. You may also use the Google search program on our home page or on the headline index page to search for keywords or names.
Living Memorials For the Dead {Editorial}
From Southwestern Jewish Press, June 26, 1947, page 2
A campaign for $150,000 has been launched to set up a memorial n New York’s Riverside Drive for the 6,000,000 who perished in the Nazi death camps. The sponsors committee include the usual list of harassed public figures who are solicited for innumerable causes, wise or otherwise.
We do not dispute the principle of setting up a memorial for the six million martyred Jews. But we think that such projects should be launched by the community, by a conglomerate of organizations, not by individuals, however prominent they are in Jewish life. The sponsors of the Riverside Drive memorial project, incidentally, are not particularly prominent in Jewish communal affairs. And if communal plans for a memorial were considered, we are quite certain that they would rule out a stone memorial on Riverside Dirve. The six million Jewish martyrs have been immemorialized by their death, and require no stone memorials, that would underscore that Jewry is imperishable despite six million deaths.
Plan have been launched for a museum in Palestine to house the archives of Jewish martyrdom under the Nazis, and all historical records saved from the ruins of Europe’s Jewish centers. The museum will be a shrine for Jews from all over the world, and a source of inspiration, for students and scholars and research men.
We appreciate the sentiments that have moved the initiators of the Riverside Drive memorial. But such projects should be thought out, and have the backing of an aggregate of organizations representing the Jewish community. The memory of the ghetto dead is too sacred and, in face of the terrible Jewish needs abroad, every cent has better use to be spent than on the implementations of the vision that a few individuals have had of what a ghetto memorial should be like.
Lasker Lodge B.B.
From Southwestern Jewish Press, June 26, 1947, page 5
A very well attended meeting of Lasker Lodge was held Monday evening, June 23rd, at Temple Center with a full, report on the happenings at the B’nai B’rith Convention held in Fresno highlighting the evening. Morrie Douglas, president, conducted the meeting and also gave a fine report in his capacity as delegate.
The main honor to Lasker Lodge was the election of Eli Levenson, a past president, to the Executive Committee of the grand Lodge District No. 4, and the appointment of Morrie Kraus, local Hillel Chairman to the District’s Hillel Committee.
Two hundred seventy-two delegates from eight western States and British Columbia were in attendance at the Convention.
The delegates reported on the overwhelming enthusiasm of all members present for the continuance of the expansion of all points of the eight-point B’nai B’rith program. Mention was made of the $100.000 (sic) which was donated by the Lasker Lodge to the Hillel Foundation of the University of Washington in Seattle and the impressive solemn service held for the late Henry Monsky, who was Supreme President of B’nai B’rith at the time of his death last May, was described.
Henry Weinberger gave his report on the Supreme Grand Lodge Convention which was held in Washington D.C. all members at Monday evening’s meeting commended the delegates, who were Morrie Douglas, Eddie Breitbard, Wm. Schwartz, Eli Levenson and Marshall Naiman as well as alternate Jack Dembo, delegate-at-large Henry Weinberger and laymember Morrie Kraus for their work at the convention.
Day Camp’s First week Big Success
From Southwestern Jewish Press, June 26, 1947, page 5
Thirty-nine children were given a medical examination by Dr. Fred Hollander at the opening of the united Jewish Fund Community center Committee’s Day Camp which will operate for the next five weeks. With six more children registering next Monday, registration for the first two-week period will be closed and a waiting list for the second two week period starting July 7 will be established.
The first week of the day Camp has been met with great enthusiasm by the children. Their program included trips to Ft. Rosecrans, beach day at Torrey Pines Park, trip to North Island, arts and crafts, games, swimming lessons and riding lessons. Future trips being planned are to the County fair, to a Naval carrier, the Marine Base, the Naval Training Center, the Zoo and to many other points of interest in the vicinity of San Diego.
All parents who have not as yet registered their child, are urged to call Franklin 0171 and have their name put on the waiting list.

Nancy Harrison
cruise & tour specialist
(619) 265-0808


Middle East
Few parallels between U.S. operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Israel-Palestine by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem
California and San Diego
What does the state budget proposal say about California's moral compass? by Gary Rotto in San Diego
How do you spell tikkun olam? G-R-E-E-N by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego
San Diego Jewish Trivia: Movies by Evelyn Kooperman in San Diego
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History
—June 19, 1947: Yo-Ma-Co
—June 19, 1947: Birdie Stodel B.B.
—June 26, 1947: Eli Levenson Elected To Executive Comm. of B'nai B'rith
—June 26, 1947: Hearings to Be Held On U.J.F. Allocations
Klezmer with knishes, juice and 'p'stromi' by Carol Davis in San Diego
Chapter Fifteen of Reluctant Martyr, a serialized book by Sheila Orysiek in San Diego
Middle East
Carnage again stalks Jerusalem's buses by Judy Lash Balint in Jerusalem
Victory in Iraq is well-worth fighting for by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C.
Biking can make you and planet more fit by Ulla Hadar in Kibbutz Ruhama, Israel
United States of America
American Jewish civics quiz for July 4 by Sheila Orysiek in San Diego
San Diego
Confronting abuse in the Jewish community by Rabbi Jeff Brown in Cardiff by the Sea, California
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History
—June 19, 1947: Hashomer Hatzair to Have Summer Camp
—June 19, 1947: Program Completed for Day Camp
—June 19, 1947: Jewish War Vets
Thursdays with the songs of Hal Wingard
—#247, Dieting
—# 308, Great New Diet
—# 74, Bad Booze Blues
Middle East
'Standupistim'—That's Hebrew for 'Stand Up comics'—wow 'em in Israel by Judy Lash Balint in Jerusalem
Only in Israel? A Tale of Four Chickens by Dorothea Shefer-Vanson in Mevasseret Zion, Israel
The Jews Down Under, Jewish news of Australia and New Zealand by Garry Fabian
Progessive view on Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ... Historic agreement on emergency management ...Graeme Samuel explains silence on Pratt case ... Being 'green' is the Jewish thing to do .. Salary hikes impact on Jewish school ... New Zealand's Jewish Community doubly celebrates ...
Australia -Israel link on celluloid...Antisemitism after the Holocaust
San Diego
The 20-gallon challenge; can you save water each day, help preserve Earth's resources? by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History
—June 19, 1947: U.J.F. Campaign Continues
—June 19, 1947: Newcomers to Country Welcome Baby Boy
—June 19, 1947: Francis W. Parker School Packs 20 Boxes for S.O.S.
—June 19, 1947: Temple Sisterhood Sponsor New Project
When the extended family met at the grandparents' house in Newark, N.J. by Gail Feinstein Forman in Newark, N.J.
Middle East
Israel's painful deal with Hizbollah by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem
What the devil is O.C.S.? or how to end importing Middle East oil by J. Zel Lurie in Delray Beach, Florida
In aftermath of Golubchuk case, Canada grapples with when a patient is dead by Rabbi Dow Marmur in Toronto, Canada
San Diego
San Diego Mesa College librarian Jack Forman a connoisseur of Jewish books by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History
—Honor Your Loved Ones On-line
—June 12, 1947: Pioneer Women
—June 12, 1947: Birdie Stodel B.B.
—June 12, 1947: J.C.S.C.
—June 12, 1947: Gerald Schissell Elected To Office
Pop proudly gives a tour of his 'palace' by Gail Feinstein Forman in San Diego
Middle East
Sarkozy should butt out of Israel's affairs by Isaac Yetiv in La Jolla, California
Midbar kvetching:complaints in the desert by Sheila Orysiek in San Diego
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History
—Honor Your Loved Ones On-line
—June 12, 1947: U.J.F. Announces Close of Campaign
—June 12, 1947: Telegram from Henry Morgenthau Jr. to Albert Hutler
—June 12, 1947: Admiral Badger Accepts Placque (sic)
The Arts
Cast of Morgan-Wixson's Cabaret weak by Cynthia Citron in Santa Monica, California
Dancing their way through the senior years by Donald H. Harrison in Oceanside, California
Menus come on parchment in Dussini Mediterranean Bistro in the Gaslamp by Lynne Thrope in San Diego
Politics in jolly and not-so-jolly England by Lloyd Levy in Henley-on-Thames, England
Why the soldier decided to wear his kippah by Rabbi Baruch Lederman in San Diego
The qualifications for being 'a good Jew' by Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal in San Diego
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History
Remember Your Loved Ones On-line
—May 29, 1947: Letter to the Editor {From Mike Lustig}
—May 29, 1947: We Were There by Albert Hutler
—May 29, 1947: Beth Jacob Congregation
The Arts
Golden Boy: New Village Art's golden oldie by Carol Davis in Carlsbad, California
A lesson in being true to one's real self by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego
A bissel sports trivia with Bruce Lowitt in Clearwater, Florida
Link to previous editions